
Thai Bodywork

Why bodywork?

Transformational Thai bodywork is a full-body, holistic modality that involves the physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. Like other Eastern forms of healing, Thai massage is based on the idea that the body’s life force flows along channels within the body, and blockages in the flow of this life force or energy manifest as discomfort and disease. When energy is flowing freely along these channels, we feel energized, relaxed and healthy. Together, we are able to explore these patterns through therapeutic touch, breath, and attuning to the nervous system. With trauma-informed techniques and awareness we can orient toward safety and allow energy to flow, and ultimately, feel better.


Some techniques utilized in our sessions are inspired from time spent training in Thai Massage, Structural Integration, Structural Energy Alignment Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and Relational Bodywork.

What happens in a session?

Facilitating Awareness

You will gently be invited into your embodied experience of the present moment.


You will be guided and supported in breathing that is intended to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, utilizing the body’s inherent healing processes.

Deep Attuned Contact

You will be thoroughly squished…slow, deep compressions help down-regulate the nervous system to create change in the tissues of the body. We work together to move energy that is stuck or stagnant.

Session Cost

$90 - $120 / hr, sliding scale

2hr minimum ($180)

* A 2 hour minimum session allows us enough time to do work that will be lasting and transformative.

“Jacob is a fantastic and intuitive body worker. He has a warm presence, I immediately felt heard and held in our 2 hour session. When I asked him to revisit an area I had surgery trauma and scar tissue in, he was able to help me find space and relief from my injury in way that is still integrating for me weeks later. Not only did my body feel amazing after working with Jacob, but he was also able to teach me a ton about nervous system regulation, breathing, and the muscles of the body through subtle tracking and attunement. I would get another session with him any day.”

Dakotah Daily

“Jacob provided a warm, inviting, and relaxing atmosphere. Not only did the massage feel great and help my back and neck pain resolve, he taught me breath and self-bodywork techniques that I could use at home to continue my healing journey. I left with more self-care tools and greater awareness about my body, which I haven’t experienced with other massage therapists. I would definitely recommend!”

Kamryn Wolf

“Jacob’s kind and patient energy sets the stage for a truly transformative embodied experience. Using his hands, elbows, feet, knees, and sits bone he makes slow deep contact to help your body heal. It feels magical when you feel your nervous system allow for tissues to change. He works with you and your breath to guide you to a state of embodied wholeness that connects you to yourself, and helps you let go of what isn’t serving you. I can’t wait for my next session. I highly recommend a session with Jacob if you've got pain you need to work through or if you're looking to experience your embodiment and breath in a new and healing way.”

Joseph Weinberger